How To Negotiate a Severance Package in New York (Updated for 2025)
I often receive questions about severance packages from people who have just by laid off or facing termination. Here are some common questions and answers. Please note that, because every employment situation is different and employment law issues are very fact-specific, this is not meant to be legal advice. If you’re in the New York City area, you can reach out to me for a consultation.
In this Guide:
1. What is a Severance Package?
A “severance package” usually refers to a combination of a severance agreement coupled with severance pay. A severance package is a financial and/or benefits package offered by an employer to an employee who is leaving the company, often due to reasons such as layoffs, downsizing, or termination without cause. The purpose of a severance package is to provide some form of financial assistance and support to the departing employee during the transition period after leaving the job.
The terms “severance package,” “severance agreement,” and “severance pay” are often used interchangeably.
What is a severance agreement?
A severance agreement is a a document or set of documents that an employee has to sign in order to receive the severance pay and other benefits. It is a legally binding contract between an employer and the employee who is leaving the company. The purpose of a severance agreement is to outline the terms and conditions of the severance package offered to the departing employee and to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties during the transition period.
In return for signing the severance agreement and receiving the benefits, the employee gives up their right to sue the company for any and all legal claims they may have against it. The severance agreement may also terms of confidentiality, non-compete, non-solicitation, non-disparagement, and return of company property.
It’s essential for both the employer and the employee to carefully review and understand the terms of the severance agreement before signing. Employees should seek legal counsel to ensure that their rights are protected and that they fully comprehend the implications of signing the contract.
Once both parties agree to the terms and sign the severance agreement, it becomes legally binding, and the terms and conditions within it must be adhered to by both the employer and the departing employee.
Here at The Fu Firm PLLC, I can review your severance agreements to ensure that you understand every word that it contains, every benefit you are entitled to, and every obligation that it places on you. I have experience reviewing and negotiating terms of severance agreements provided by multi-national corporations, non-profit organizations, and small businesses. I often charge a flat fee for reviewing severance agreements, which includes time spent for legal research, editing your agreement, and an in-depth meeting to discuss each section and ensure that you are comfortable and understand what it means.
What are severance benefits?
Typically, a severance package may include a combination of the following benefits:
Severance Pay: This is a lump sum payment given to the employee as compensation for the termination of their employment. The amount of severance pay is often based on the employee's length of service, salary, or a specific formula defined in the employment contract or company policies.
Continuation of Benefits: Some severance packages may include a continuation of health insurance (COBRA) or other benefits for a specific period after the employee's departure. For example, as part of a severance package, some employers will offer to cover reimbursement of the employer’s COBRA premium for some period of time. The purpose of the continuation of benefits is to help bridge the gap between leaving one job and potentially starting a new one with benefits.
PTO (Paid Time Off) Payout: Employees may be compensated for any unused vacation or paid time off days that they have accrued but not used up to the date of their departure.
Retirement Account Contributions: In some cases, employers may continue contributing to the departing employee's retirement account during the severance period.
Outplacement Services: Larger companies may offer outplacement services to help the employee find a new job. This may include career counseling, resume writing assistance, and job search support.
2. Why do Employers Offer Severance Packages?
Is severance pay mandatory in New York? No - in New York, there is generally no legal requirement for employers to provide a severance package to their employees upon termination, layoff, or resignation. Employers usually do not offer severance packages out of the goodness of their hearts. Rather, employers offer severance packages for business reasons.
Some of the common reasons why employers offer severance packages include:
The Employment Contract: Sometimes, the terms of the employment agreement with an employee requires a severance package.
Legal Protection: Including a severance agreement as part of the severance package can provide legal protection for the employer. The agreement may require the departing employee to sign a release, waiving their rights to sue the company for issues related to their employment or termination. This can help shield the employer from potential lawsuits and disputes. Think of this as the employer paying for peace of mind.
Smooth Transition: When an employee is leaving the company, either voluntarily or involuntarily, a severance package can encourage them to cooperate during the transition period. This helps ensure a smoother handover of responsibilities, projects, and knowledge to other team members, minimizing disruptions to the business.
3. How Much Severance Pay is Typical?
If an employer does offer a severance package, there is generally no legal requirement that it offers any specific amount of pay. Each company and situation is different and there are no hard rules. For example, a general guideline to expect a certain amount of years pay for every year that the employee was with the company may not apply in every situation.
An experienced employment attorney should be able to evaluate whether a severance pay amount offer is fair by analyzing different factors, including the employer’s industry, the employee’s length of employment, the employee’s past work performance, the employee’s position, and any leverage the employee might be able to use in negotiations.
4. What is in a Typical Severance Agreement?
A typical severance agreement includes several key terms:
Terms of Severance: The agreement defines the specific benefits and compensation the departing employee will receive as part of the severance package. This may include severance pay, continuation of benefits, paid time off payout, or other elements agreed upon by the employer and employee.
Release of Claims: I expect every severance agreement to contain a general release of claims section. This is usually the core of the agreement, where the employee agrees not to sue or bring legal claims against the company for issues related to their employment or termination. Basically, the release of claims is what the employer is paying for. In return for signing this release, the employee receives the agreed-upon severance benefits.
As part of a general release, an employer usually gives up the right to sue the company and recover damages for:
unpaid wages, overtime, bonuses, and commissions
unlawful working conditions
discrimination based upon the employee’s membership in a protected class, including race, ethnicity, disability, or religion
hostile work environment or other unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment
“wrongful” termination
However, there are certain rights that an employee cannot waive, such as the right to file a charge of discrimination with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”). An experienced employment lawyer can advise you regarding the rights you are giving up.
Confidentiality: The agreement may include confidentiality provisions that prohibit the employee from disclosing sensitive or proprietary information about the company, its operations, or its employees. The agreement may also include confidentiality provisions that prohibit the employee from disclosing the terms (including the amount of severance pay) of the severance agreement itself.
Non-Compete or Non-Solicitation Clauses: Some severance agreements may include language that limit or attempt to limit the departing employee's ability to work for competitors or solicit the employer’s clients or vendors for a certain period after leaving the company. In New York, there are certain restrictions on non-compete or non-solicitation clauses and an employment lawyer may help you analyze whether the severance agreement’s proposed terms are lawful.
Non-Disparagement: A non-disparagement clause typically prevents the departing employee from making any negative or damaging statements (even if true) about the company or its employees.
Return of Company Property: The agreement typically requires the employee to return any company property, confidential information, or intellectual property upon departure.
Outplacement Services: In some cases, the employer may offer outplacement services to help the departing employee find new job opportunities. The terms and scope of these services may be outlined in the severance agreement.
5. Why Negotiate the Terms of the Severance Agreement?
Unsurprisingly, the terms proposed by employers in their “standard” severance agreements usually favor the employer. Here are some things to watch out for:
One-Sided or Overbroad Non-Disparagement Clauses
Most non-disparagement clauses that clients bring to me in the severance agreements given by their employers are one-sided. That means that, while the employee is prohibited from making critical comments (even if true) about the employer, the employer is not prohibited from doing the same about the employer.
When working with someone who has just been terminated, I often counsel them to consider whether they need a mutual non-disparagement clause; that means including language that prohibits the employer (or certain of the employer’s supervisors) from disparaging the employee, especially to future employers.
Non-Compete Agreements
At the national, state, and local levels, there is a lot of momentum towards banning non-compete agreements. This is a quickly evolving area of law, and you may want to consult with an attorney.
On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission passed a new rule prohibiting employers from enforcing non-competes against workers. The final rule was set to go into effect on September 4, 2024, but employer groups brought lawsuits challenging it and, on August 20, 2024, a federal court ruled that the FTC does not have the authority to ban non-competes, and blocked the rule from going into effect.
On June 23, 2023, the New York State Legislature passed a bill, S.3100A/A.1278-B, to add a new section 191-d to the New York Labor Law. The new law would state that:
“No employer or its agent, or the officer or agent of any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or other entity, shall seek, require, demand or accept a non-compete agreement from any covered individual.”
In December 2023, Governor Hochul vetoed the bill. A revised bill may be introduced by the legislature in 2024.
On February 28, 2024, the New York City Council introduced Int. No. 140-2024, which would amend the New York City Administrative Code to ban non-compete agreements. The proposed new local law would also apply to independent contractors. As of the last update to this article, the bill is still in committee.
6. Negotiating Your Severance Package On Your Own
You may not need to hire a lawyer to review the severance agreement. For example, you may want to save on paying an attorney if you are: (1) okay with the amount of money and other benefits the company is providing, (2) leaving the company on good terms, (3) fully understand all of the terms and legalese in the severance agreement, and (4) just want to sign the agreement and move on. However, if all of the factors above do not apply to your situation, you should consult with an attorney.
If, after reading the above, you still want to negotiate the terms of the severance agreement and severance pay, here are some general tips:
Understand Where the Employer is Coming From and Figure out What You Want
Employers don’t usually offer severance packages out of good will or to simply reward an employee for the time they spent there. Even if you think you are leaving on good terms, you should expect that any negotiation is strictly a business transaction. If you want the employer to give up anything of value, then you need to give them a good reason.
Many employers are willing to negotiate simple terms, like making a non-disparagement clause mutual, in return for the employer’s signature.
On the other hand, if you want the company to increase the amount of severance pay or other benefits, you need a good reason. Put yourself in the shoes of the company’ decision makers and consider what business reasons would compel them to pay you more.
Consider Your Leverage and Make Sure What You Want is Reasonable
New York is an at-will employment state and, unless an employment contract says otherwise, an employer can usually fire someone for any reason, even an unfair reason, as long as it’s not an illegal reason. Therefore, you must consider what that means when you attempt to negotiate a larger severance payment. You must identify a compelling business reason for the company to provide you with more pay or benefits. That starts with having an honest conversation with yourself about what kind of leverage you may have.
Usually, the most compelling reason is a valid threat of a legal claim for discrimination, harassment, unpaid wages, whistleblowing, or other potential liability. Unfortunately, without a lawyer to help analyze the likelihood of success on any such legal claim or whether you have a claim at all, you may not be able to use any legal leverage to the fullest. An employer may dismiss a simple threat to file a lawsuit because it perceives that an employee with a strong claim would have hired an attorney. Sophisticated and/or smart employers usually have their own attorneys or will consult with one, and are likely to have a better understanding than an unrepresented employee about the strength of the employee’s legal claims.
Another potential source of leverage is an employer’s concern about its reputation. Some organizations would be concerned about a former employee telling others the truth about their negative experience working there. However, this may only apply in special circumstances—for example, if your former employer is in a small, close-knit industry or if you are well-known in the industry and can actually affect the company’s business prospects. Unless you know that your former employer is especially sensitive about their reputation, I would caution against overvaluing how much leverage you have here. A simple threat to bad-mouth the company is unlikely to get you a much larger severance payment. Finally, I obviously do not suggest that you should say anything untrue about your work experience; that may open yourself up to legal liability.
How to Make Your Demand
So you have decided to negotiate the contractual language of the severance agreement or the severance pay or both. Before going back to your employer, you need to plan:
What specifically you are asking for;
What reasons you will give the company (consider your leverage);
What you will do if the company agrees to some of your terms;
What you will do if the company says no.
In many situations, it cannot hurt to ask for slightly more favorable terms or slightly more severance pay or benefits (such as asking the employer to pay for COBRA premiums). Often, the worse thing that can happen is that the employer says no. While it is possible for the employer to pull the original offer if they believe you are making a demand that is unreasonable but, in my experience, this does not happen because most employers are less likely to be guided by emotion and the original business rationale for making a severance offer remains.
Finally, if you believe the company is open to negotiating, you should both start from a realistic position and leave room to negotiate. If you do decide to negotiate, you should consider both what you are willing to accept and what you are looking for. It is important to start from a realistic position because an extreme demand may kill off negotiations before they really even start. For example, if your employer offered you two weeks’ pay, they may be willing to give you three or four weeks’ pay but are unlikely to bump it up to something like six months’ pay unless you have some real leverage.
With that said, you also want to give yourself and the company negotiating flexibility. Negotiations often involve give-and-take, with both parties making concessions to reach an agreement. By leaving room in your initial offer or position, you have the flexibility to make concessions without compromising your bottom line or the what you want. Using the example above, if the employer offered you two weeks’ pay and you are willing to take three, you may start your opening demand at four or five weeks’ pay.
The Risks of Negotiating Without Representation
You should be aware of the risks of negotiating your severance without a lawyer. First, you may not understand the true value of any potential legal action you may have against your employer, even if you have a good grasp on how strong your claims are or how easily you would be able to prove them in a lawsuit. After all, in any type of lawsuit, there are the components of liability (whether the defendant violated the law), and damages (how much a case is worth).
If you undervalue your legal claims, you risk leaving money on the table and not getting a large enough payment. If you overvalue them, then you may end up with the company refusing to seriously negotiate.
Here at The Fu Firm PLLC, I can review your severance agreements to ensure that you understand every word that it contains, every benefit you are entitled to, and every obligation that it places on you. I have experience reviewing and negotiating terms of severance agreements provided by multi-national corporations, non-profit organizations, and small businesses. I often charge a flat fee for reviewing severance agreements, which includes time spent for legal research, editing your agreement, and an in-depth meeting to discuss each section and ensure that you are comfortable and understand what it means. When it comes to negotiating, I have successfully represented clients on contingency—my fee is based on the amount by which I help to increase the severance payment. I have also represented and counseled clients on an hourly-fee basis.
7. Why You Should Hire a Lawyer To Review and Negotiate Your Severance Agreement
If you are unsure what legal rights you would be giving up by signing a severance agreement you should hire an experienced severance attorney. If you believe that you have strong reasons for the company to be willing to increase the severance payment, a lawyer will help maximize your recovery. Even if you are fine with the amount of severance pay offered and you simply want to move on, the contractual language in the agreement may be unfair to you. A lawyer can help edit the agreement, usually with minimal hassle to you or your former employer.
The Flat Fee Review
Here at The Fu Firm PLLC, I do more than just read the agreement, consider whether the terms are “standard,” and let you know whether it is okay to sign it. Instead, for a reasonable flat fee, I will review the severance agreement and any other employment agreements you may have with your employer and evaluate your entire employment history to determine whether you may have potential legal claims or other leverage to negotiate your severance package.
In many cases, I have identified areas of the severance agreement where the contractual language is too restrictive on the employee and have helped to edit the agreement and counseled the client about how to make those suggestions to their employer. In a typical situation, a client will report back to me that their employer was willing to make reasonable concessions about the language of the agreement.
The Negotiation
Sometimes, I have helped the client discover compelling reasons to negotiate to increase the amount of severance pay and the client decides that they should negotiate. In those situations, I represent them for an additional contingency or hourly fee. An hourly fee is when an attorney is paid a per-hour rate for working for the client. A contingency fee is a percentage fee based on the client’s recovery. If a client comes to me and they already have a severance payment offer from their former employer, my contingency fee is based only on the amount by which I help them increase the severance payment. For example, if an employer offered $5,000 and I help the client obtain another $10,000, then my contingency fee would be a portion of the $10,000.
I have counseled clients on the best strategies to negotiate directly with the company while I remain in the background. I have also negotiated directly with organizations when the client and I determine that doing so would actually add value to the case and come to a resolution.
The takeaway from my experience is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for each severance agreement issue or each client who has been recently terminated, and that hiring an experienced employment attorney only benefits the client.
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